All roads lead to Rome...or do they?

When I visited my artist friend Aubrie Mema's exhibition at the Rome Temple Visitor's center last September, I was introduced to the director of the center, Christian Euvrard and his wife. Among many things, Christian arranges concerts and art exhibitions in the center which is in close proximity to the beautiful temple building. That meeting led to an opportunity for me to exhibit my art in September 2020.


After contemplating the logistic challenge that bringing the paintings to Rome presents, I came up with a managable concept: instead of using oil paint on canvas I paint with Caran d'Ache Neocolor oil crayons on matboard. I will be able to put 10-12 big pieces in a special bag to be checked in when I fly to Rome. That is the plan. That was the plan. A plan that has since evaporated because it was made pre Covid-19 pandemic. I don't think I'm going to Rome in September.

Here are some of the pieces I am currently working on. Each painting is built up with multiple layers with complementary colors. Please note that they're all work in progress, to get an oil paint feeling to the painting I need to have 10-20 layers.

Well, is it not a very strange situation that no one on this whole planet can make any plans for the future right now!?

Work in progress: Folke

Work in progress: Folke

Work in progress: To eternity and beyond

Work in progress: To eternity and beyond



Work in progress: Marcel and the puppy

Work in progress: Marcel and the puppy

Work in progress: Excellent and Daniela

Work in progress: Excellent and Daniela